
Brooke Ledbetter

Hello friends! My name is Brooke Ledbetter. This part is always a bit weird for me, but welcome! I’m glad you’ve come.

I live in the suburbs of DFW and have for my whole life, though I’ve been heard more than once swearing I’ll try living somewhere else one day. Texas is and probably always will be home, though. At the very least it will always be the home that shaped me. I am on the precipice of my 20’s and though I never thought I’d be this person, I’m planning on celebrating my 29th birthday for the next several years. I have a dog named Juniper who is an absolute God-send to me and who you can see on my homepage. She’s independent, spunky, and has an addiction to fetch that no amount of interventions can cure. And yes, she sleeps in my bed.

I‘ve got an unapologetic penchant for good coffee and good whiskey and I love sitting across from people over both. Relationship is my bread and butter. I’m an enneagram 2 for those of you who are into that sort of thing, but it took my nearly two years to tease apart some of my 9-ish tendancies to figure that out.

I’m a big Tolkein and a Lewis fan. It’s common to catch me with at least one of their books floating around in my purse. Both authors have stirred my affections for the Lord and for stories and I love that they were friends in this life. I’d die to be a fly on the wall of some of their conversations.

Christ came for me early, and I’ve known him more years than I haven’t. All my life has been a journey of learning to trust Him, to look for hope amidst despair, and to keep growing into the holiness He’s called us to.

I’ve loved writing since I was a little girl. The Lord often speaks to me through that medium and it’s been a tangible way for me to draw near to Him and to untangle the difficult things of life and lay them at his feet. About 5 years ago, I started sharing my writing so we might find a light in the dark of this world together. I don’t know if what I say matters to you and I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I’ve often been encouraged by the shared experiences of others, and if that’s the most that is accomplished here, I’ll gladly rejoice in that.

Why Fox & Swallow?

Fox & Swallow was born from Luke 9:58 which says “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” Amidst the turmoil of trying to move out of my parents’ house a few years ago and desiring above all else just a home for myself, the Lord very clearly pointed me to this verse. It was a gentle but firm reminder that my home and my hope are not in this world at all, but lie elsewhere.

It is so much a part of me that I now have a fox and bird tattooed on my arm. With my writing and my life, I hope to point to that otherworldly hope we have until the day we see it come to completion and we all return home. Until then we travel as strangers in this temporary dwelling and we do our best to steward it well. Won’t you join me on the journey home?